Tuesday, August 21, 2012

It Would Be Easier if You Just Agreed with Me

My husband often likes to remind me when I told him, in a flurry of frustration, "It would be so much easier if you just agreed with me!" When it comes to certain design choices, Andris is often a much needed Yin to my Yang. I can often find myself in the "all neutrals" trap, when it comes to home decor (and my wardrobe, for that matter), but he pushes me into color and our house is definitely better for it.

A great example is our living room couch. We went couch shopping shortly after we bought our home on Hillside Lane. I, of course, went directly for any classic, striped nuetral that I could find. Andris, however, was insistent upon this sage green with a subtle herringbone texture. I was hesitant - a couch isn't something you replace every five years and it seemed like a big item to step out of the box on. I like traditional, classic looks - so I was reluctant to gamble on anything that might look dated in a few years.

The couch was scheduled to be delivered the morning of August 17th - the same morning that I went into labor with our first baby (coincidentally, I also had scheduled the Water Dept. and Salvation Army to come that day...the baby didn't seem to get the memo). When we arrived home with our daughter a few days later, I absolutely fell in love with the couch and have been thrilled with it ever since. The sage green almost acts as a colored neutral and really picks up the grey from our fireplace and contrasts so well with our dark wood floors.

So, yes, while it would be easier if my husband always agreed with me - without his insistence our home wouldn't be the same.

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